ink on paper. 60x40cm
ink on paper. 60x40cm
ink and emulsion on paper. 23x23 cm
ink, emulsion on paper.23x23cm
ink, emulsion on paper 18x12cm
Path. ink on paper.60x40cm
Woods edge, ink on paper.60x40cm
They say that a week is a long time in politics and the same can be said of drawing, plus, it makes my arms ache. These drawings develop a life of their own as I make them and they appear to me as more than the place that they come from: they are a sense of the place in as much as the activity of drawing creates marks independent of the site. In fact the site becomes the drawing for me and the drawing becomes the site. I used pieces of hardwood of different lengths, printing ink, emulsion, palette knife, plasterer's tool and a wire brush for these because I thought that if I relied on charcoal or pencil some thing predictable would occur but actually the often random, accidental marks that these other implements make serves just as well.