jeudi 21 novembre 2019

Two field edge paintings.

oil on paper. 78x60cms

Climbing a track near to my home, a field becomes tilted, almost like a theatre set back drop. I often stand and watch the light and shadow move across it and now, at this time of year, just before ploughing, the edges blur with new growth. Everything shifts slightly, and then the plough slices it into sharp shapes once more.

Five paintings from above a field edge.


                                                     all oil on paper. 87x60 cms

I made these after a long walk, my regular walk by a field edge and on returning home they seemed the obvious thing to set down. Following these I went to the National Gallery in London in search of Thomas Jones and his paintings from Naples.  For anyone interested, he was born in 1742 and made some remarkable paintings during his tour of Italy, quite unlike his work before or after.            

mardi 5 novembre 2019


In poor light I try to make use of the day to draw and I have been fortunate to have had visits from artist friends for coffee, cake, conversation and drowsing by the wood stove. I know of one artist who has drawn the same way for years and is very good at it whereas I need to approach a drawing afresh, as if it was all new to me. Sometimes it works but there is always that niggling feeling that tells me to try again.

Wet weather drawing

It has been raining for days: I am staying in. From my window I can see the hedge becoming clearer as the foliage is removed by wind and rain.